Saturday, February 27, 2021

Funny Name: Getting Friendly with Foods Edition

Did you know there was a time when kale was not popular? Not in smoothies, gnocchi, pizza, chips, pesto, and chocolate. A Cookbook for Diabetics (American Diabetes Association/ Maude Behrman, 1969 11th edition) reminds us that kale was once considered unusual.

Get Better Acquainted with Kale was part of a whole series, including Make Friends with Mangoes, Ask a Pomegranate to the Senior Prom, and See if Yogurt Will Let You Feel It Up in a Borrowed Firebird. (We try not to talk about Report Some Falafel to the FBI anymore, but it was in there too.)


  1. One slice of onion! That's rank cruelty, right there. Who can only eat *one* slice of onion?

    1. I'm happier with zero slices of onion, but I hate pretty much everything.

  2. The only onion my system tolerates is green onion. Now I'm imagining a tiny slice of a green onion in the pan. The vinegar in this recipe would guarantee that I wouldn't like kale.

    1. I can't do green onions, but small amounts of dried onions or shallots are okay. Stupid annoying bodies.
