Saturday, October 19, 2024

Funny Name: Not a Euphemism Edition

"How would you like some 'Copenhagen Cabbage'?"

"I've never tried that before! I was hoping to score some when I went on my student trip in Scandinavia, but I never tracked any down. What's it like?"

"Oh, you mean actual cabbage. With ground beef. And tomato sauce. And cinnamon."

Thanks, anyway, to All Our Favorites Cook Book (The Pioneer Partners of Hawkeye Chapter #17, undated.)


  1. I did a quick Google search hoping that I wasn't going to forever mar my search history and discovered that Copenhagen cabbage is an heirloom variety. Now I'm wondering if some of the people who lived in the villages were I used to live grew those. I know that some people out there were really into heirloom and rare varieties of plants.

    1. Nice to be reminded that other people have very specific hobbies too-- even if their hobbies aren't collecting old cookbooks and tiny plastic figures covered in fake blood spatter.
