Saturday, March 6, 2021

Meat Loaf Strata

Meat loaf recipes are usually just that-- loaves. I was interested to see Kroger's The New Ground Beef Cookbook (Mettja C. Roate, 1965, though mine is from a 1966 sixth printing) has several recipes in the meat loaf chapter that are more reminiscent of lasagnas or other casseroles, with layers of ground meat alternating with other fillings rather than the usual uniform meat-and-filler mixture or the slightly more exotic stuffed or rolled varieties.

For the breakfast-for-dinner crowd, there's Hamburger Pancake Loaf.

It even has hard-boiled eggs in with the layers of pancakes and oniony ground beef! Just top with syrup for a complete breakfast-for-dinner "treat."

If you're more of the low-carb crowd, the book also has evidence that the idea to use cauliflower for everything predated the boom that seemed like it started in 2016.

Okay, the Cauliflower Meat Loaf would be more low-carb-friendly without the cup of bread crumbs, but change them to cauliflower bread crumbs, and problem solved!

Of course, the next logical step is to figure out how to make pancakes out of cauliflower so we can have a Cauliflower Pancake Meat Loaf. It's 1966 by way of 2021!


  1. Transforming meatloaf from a quick, easy dish to prepare after getting home from work to a labor intensive art project. Seriously, cooking a bunch of miniature pancakes to then layer with meat and bake!?!

    1. Some recipe writers seem to revel in extra steps.
