Saturday, August 17, 2024

Funny Name: Noooo! Not Puffball Edition

When I came across this recipe in Culinary High Notes (Toledo Opera Guild, 1978), I was kind of worried that the practical-minded 1970s diners hunted down and slaughtered those cute little fuzzy beasts us kids in the '80s turned into ersatz pets.

Luckily, my fears were unfounded. Hopple-Popple is just a crustless quiche-adjacent thingy.


  1. A quick Google search gets a lot of hits for hopple popple. Now I'm wondering if the toy idea came from a drunk guest at a dinner party.
    I'm also amazed that I can see how disgusting the fur on some of the vintage popples on eBay must feel.

    1. I remember trying to make our own mini-Popples with scraps scrounged from the sewing room floor. We never got enough to make much of anything (and I had no idea how to sew anyway), but your attempts were still pretty cute considering the limitations.

    2. Yes I thought about those too. Now sewing is gentrified, so poor kids can't try to make knockoffs of popular items (not that they would have fooled anyone).
      Now I hear that kids aren't really interested in toys and just watch videos online (or play games online). Given the cost and difficulty finding housing it makes sense to have hobbies contained in a tablet instead of one that demands space for the performance of a hobby with supplies that need to be stored.
