Saturday, October 10, 2020

The church ladies' balls

When my sister sent me Saint Edward's Cookbook (undated, ca. 1970s), she included a note observing "These church ladies are really into balls," so I figured I'd use a post to show you the church ladies' balls. (Well, at least some of their balls. They were really into balls, so this is just a sampling.)

There are common (but still inexplicable as far as I'm concerned) cheese ball recipes, like this popular mixture of crushed pineapple and green peppers with cream cheese.

There are recipes that try to stretch the cream cheese with less-expensive ingredients like stinky hard-boiled eggs.

There are celebratory balls for new year's.

Some balls seem downright fishy.

If you want to make sure balls are properly paired with sausage, there's a recipe to accommodate that expectation.

And if you want to ensure the sausage is hard, well, that's covered too.

These ladies are tolerant, though. This cheese can be balled or made soft for those who are just not into balls. 

Just be sure to go ahead and drink whatever's left of the beer for this one.

Thanks to my sister for bringing these balls to my attention!

P.S.- In case you think I'm overstating these church ladies'... ahem... fixations, they also offer a recipe for Hanky Panky.

There's so much hanky panky that it can be frozen! Well, that sounded better in my head than it did on the page. Now it just sounds weird... But you get the idea! The church ladies have sure got ... something ... on their minds.


  1. I'm guessing that this is what abstinence only sex education gets you. Why not just eat and fantasize instead?
