Saturday, January 29, 2022

Funny Name: Unsurprising Color Edition

When I saw Beef Brownies in Favorite Recipes of Lutheran Ladies: Traditional Meats Including Seafood and Poultry (1966), I briefly contemplated chocolatey pans full of bar cookies that had an odd and hard-to-identify chew....

I guess Beef Brownies are just called brownies because they are, like many beef dishes, brown. I'm kind of sad not to be horrified. Mrs. Walter Rabe's creation is not nearly as interesting as I imagined based on the recipe's title.


  1. I was trying to imagine how to disguise a pan of beef as brownies. The shrinkage of meat would make it hard. I was thinking that maybe the 4 cups of breadcrumbs could help with that problem. The traditional mashed potato "frosting" wouldn't quite look right. I guess you could "glaze" it with brown gravy. Apparently Mrs. Walter Rabe was happy to be an unimaginative homemaker rather than an angry housewife. I had to look up Ricketts Iowa (the disease is spelled with one T, not 2). In the 2020 census they had a population of 109 according to the internet. If she had actually made beef look like brownies it would have been the talk of the town.

    1. Cream cheese mixed with a little cream and/or mayo could work as a more convincing frosting. (I'm borrowing that idea from the sandwich loaf recipes.) It does sound like Ricketts was/is a happening town.

  2. Now I'm imagining Mrs. Rabe on an episode of "Chopped"!
