Saturday, September 15, 2018

Funny Name: Burn Unit Edition

The title of this recipe from The Twentieth Century Club Cookbook (The Twentieth Century Club of Newark, OH, 1977) made me think of a memorable wedding reception when I was a kid. The bridesmaids had to wear dresses with really pouffy sleeves, and there was suddenly quite a commotion when one of them stood just a little too close to a candle.

Flaming Gertrude Sauce has nothing to do with especially flammable bridesmaids, though. It's just extra sweet and fatty Hershey fudge sauce with a little orange flavoring and enough rum to light it up! It's not recommended for wedding receptions, but if the bride chooses to flaunt convention, she should keep all pouffy sleeves out of the immediate vicinity...

Since our theme is a risk of third-degree burns, here's a bonus funny name recipe from the same page:

Lick the skillet if you must, but I'd recommend letting it cool down first! No point in getting flaming lips.


  1. I had totally forgotten about the flaming bridesmaid until you mentioned it. When I saw the title, I immediately thought of aunt Gertrude. Where did she live again? Hopefully not Newark OH...

    1. I'm not sure. I thought it was one of those nearby small towns. Newark would have been too far.

    2. Well, the main thing is that nobody was trying to light her on fire.

    3. Setting an old lady on fire is generally frowned upon.

  2. setting cognac or rum on fire is really fun! But not one of my fellow little-old-ladies.

    best... mae at

    1. Yes. Old ladies have enough to deal with even when they're not on fire!
