Saturday, September 8, 2018

Funny Name: Cowboy(?) Edition

Looking at the title of this recipe from from New The Grange Desserts Cookbook (Favorite Recipes of the Grange Members, 1973), I was half-afraid it would be for a buttermilk, onion, and garlic-flavored dessert.

Nope! This is one of those baked puddings, based on brown sugar and biscuit mix and flavored with dates or raisins and nuts. Not sure where the ranch came in, but I imagine it is part of the mid-twentieth-century obsession with the west and dude ranches. Cowboys must love their raisins!

R.I.P. Burt Reynolds, inspiration for Turd Ferguson.


  1. While google doesn't come up with any ranch dressing pudding recipes, ranch dressing cookies are a thing. I just lost a little more of my respect for humanity.

    1. I pretend that I do. I try not to creep people out any more than I already do.

  2. Funny name but would eat. Never read this blog on an empty stomach!

    1. You could definitely do worse than biscuit mix, brown sugar, raisins, and nuts.
