Saturday, March 23, 2019

A British Weekend Breakfast!

It's Saturday morning, so I made you breakfast (with a little help from the Hamlyn All Colour Cook Book, 1978 printing)! This is a very British breakfast by way of Hawaii.

Or, as the book calls it, "Sausage Beanfast."

If you've always been searching for a way to use up a a bunch of spring onions with a can of baked beans, a pound of sausage, and a can of pineapple rings, this has got you covered! And if your goal is to fast in the morning, well... I have a feeling this still has you covered. Enjoy!


  1. One of the hosts on the podcast "Gastropod" is British, and she even groans about how bad the food of her home land is.

    1. They have some amazing '70s food photography, though!
