Saturday, March 30, 2019

Funny Name: Am I missing something? Edition

I'm just mystified by this recipe title from Cook Book: Favorite Recipes from Our Best Cooks (the United Methodist Women of Worthington United Methodist Church, ca. 1979).

Chocolate Mint Steak is a brownie recipe. It's not steak in some kind of a mint and/or mole sauce. The brownies aren't shaped like steaks for an April Fools' Day trick or Fathers' Day treat. If steak is a typo, I can't figure out what it was supposed to be instead. Is steak some regional term for brownies? Google searches suggest not, but I could certainly be missing something. This one is kind of driving me nuts! I welcome any and all theories on the name, and give you a chance to make this "steak" for April Fools' Day.


  1. Use the word steak to trick the low carb people, or maybe to tell people it as a vegetarian steak? I'm equally stumped on this one.

    1. Yeah-- I can often kind of follow even weird logic, but I've got nothing this time.

  2. Okay, I have come up with a very circuitous route to the word steak for this recipe, so get ready to be amazed! First of all, I found a very similar recipe called Chocolate Mint Slice on a website entitled, of all things, "Icing on the Steak" - you can check it out here:

    Apparently slice is a word favored by those in the U.K. to describe a category of dessert (this same blog has a section called "Cakes and Slices"). Next I googled synonyms for the word "steak" and went to my favorite site for synonyms called "Power Thesaurus" which claims the word steak has 398 synonyms! And guess what? On page 2, one of those synonyms is the word "slice":

    Now how Jane S. made the leap from slice to steak when naming her version of the recipe is only known to her, but theoretically she is not incorrect if she chooses to call her dessert a steak. I did not say that this explanation would satisfy common sense, but at least there is a certain devious logic to it!

    1. Wow! You definitely put some effort into that one. I'm awarding you a coveted No Prize for that effort!

    2. Following the guidelines laid out for award acceptance speeches, let me just say that I am both honored and humbled to be receiving such a prestigious award, grateful for the recognition that I am receiving for my work, and can honestly say that I never dreamed that I would ever be rewarded in this way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! (The internet is such a great place for finding outstanding blather!)

    3. It is! That's why I can have a blog...
