Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I'm kind of surprised she didn't call this month "Egg-pril"

It's April, so Peg Bracken's I Hate to Cook Almanack (1976) tells us to prepare for "Floods, Muds, & Buds." The introduction should really have prepared readers for puns, though, as more of the chapter is devoted to jokes like "Why did little Eggbert wear his asbestos suit to the produce market? He didn't want to get chard" than to recipes.

Just in case Eggbert is bothered by how many hard-cooked eggs are piling up post-Easter, Bracken does offer a casserole to help use them up:

It doesn't sound spectacular, but I can't really be mad at the idea of cheese-soaked broccoli. Serve it over some rice and I might overlook the fact that I have no idea what the "Shakel" in "Shakel Egg Supper" is supposed to mean.

For those who are ready to move past still-chilly April and into May, Bracken offers a little craft project that should be ready just as ice cream weather starts to think about arriving:

If you get a second pint of brandy or vodka, the wait for the sundae topping to be ready will seem just a bit shorter....

Happy April! Now come on, May!


  1. Shakel Egg = Shake a Leg? Maybe because the dish is so quick to prepare?

    1. That's got to be it! Of course it's a pun. For some reason I thought it was a name of some group (I guess like the Shakers) and I couldn't figure out who the Shakels were. I'm pretty dense sometimes.

  2. I could see my friend who hates to cook enjoying an alcoholic ice cream float. It's all about knowing your audience (and their motivations).
