Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter with a sore keister

So who lays all those Easter eggs, anyway? Well, the Cadbury egg commercials always led me to believe it was not a chicken, but a bunny. If Easter bunnies have to lay ALL the eggs, well this recipe from New Holiday Cookbook (Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers, 1974) would really make them sore.

The trick will entail the bunny laying an eye of round roast roughly its own size. This isn't even taking into account that the roast should be covered in a decorative chou paste with all those little decorative bumps and squiggles that will make its exit just that much more painful. Poor bunny! But hey, forcing a bunny to lay an Easter Beef in an Egg Shell is way easier than trying to make it yourself.

Happy Easter! Try not to eat your full body weight in anything, especially if it's something the Easter bunny "laid."


  1. Most people associate bunnies with laying little jelly beans. Only you would imagine them laying an eye of round roast the same size as them. Of course the whole idea of this being in an egg shell is pretty creepy too.

    1. Imagine big things! And then imagine them coming out of bunnies.
