Saturday, March 20, 2021

Funny Name: 'Nam Flashback! Edition

When I saw Chop-Top Casserole in Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers: Casseroles Including Breads (1965), I kind of hoped the ingredients would include a metal plate, a bent-up wire hanger, and a Sonny Bono wig.

Okay, I knew it wouldn't. I just wanted an excuse to throw in a clip of my favorite Chop Top! And now I'm going to go back to listening to In-A-Vida-Da-Gadda, baby.


  1. So all you really need to do is change the cut of meat to name this recipe. If you use a pot roast it could be a pot-top casserole. Strip steak becomes a strip-top casserole. Even if it is a hopelessly bland recipe, the naming potential could be entertaining.

    1. Organs could work too. Want a heart-top casserole? That would have the added bonus of making people think it was one of those craft-project recipes and the casserole would come out looking like a car with a hard top. Then they'd see-- nope. Just organ meat.
