Saturday, September 10, 2022

Funny Name: Junior High Flashbacks Edition

It's weird, but just reading the recipe title from Favorite Recipes 1977 (Troy Mills Christian Women's Fellowship, of Troy Mills Disciples of Christ Christian Church) kind of makes me feel anxious, like I'm in junior high and counting down the seconds until the bus will take me home and away from all the assholes who would knock my books on the floor or make fun of the "jean jacket" my mom made out of upholstery material and I only wore because my fear of disappointing her was greater than my fear of being made fun of. (Well, that plus I needed something to help me stay warm, even if it did make me look kind of like a couch.)

I mean, Dorkenonner definitely sounds like a name bullies would yell at some poor unfortunate kid in junior high. I assumed this was the name of a regional dish I hadn't heard of before, but a Google search just asks me if I meant "dorking donner" and then takes me to websites for tools to help disabled people put on their compression socks. Maybe this recipe name is Bessie Klopp's attempt to reappropriate the name she was called in junior high? Poor little dorkenonner. 


  1. That jacket was denim blue with tulips on it as I recall. My classmates didn't make fun of the upholstery material jackets as I recall, but they certainly found plenty of other things to pick on me for. I was trying to remember if you got shivved with pencils in the hall, too. Our whole school was nothing but assholes.

    1. No pencil shivving for me. Mostly just getting called names, having my books knocked out of my hands, and in high school putting up with guys who would grab me up in a bear hug and pretend to ask me out on a date in front of their friends because they thought it was the funniest joke in the world.

    2. When I describe the school I went to to people out here they all react like I went to some horrible inner city school. No, it was a regular rural district. I know that there were schools that were way more violent than where we went.
