Saturday, December 16, 2023

I'm dreaming of a jiggly Christmas

Christmas means big gatherings! One easy way to feed a crowd for cheap is to set out a big Jell-O salad. New Many Feature Cook Book (Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co., 1939) offers up a few possibilities. If you actually like your family, there's Christmas Salad.

It's just a simple cranberry and white grape mixture called a "salad" because people want a good excuse to eat extra dessert on a day that's sure to feature many.

If you get tired of family togetherness pretty quickly, though, the Christmas Star Salad might be a better choice.

Does anybody really want to start out the big meal with congealed canned tomatoes spiked with onion and lemon juices and pieces of celery? You can hope a dish like this might inspire at least a few people to make an early exit. 

If your family is slow to catch on to hints, then you might have to go for something even worse. Okay, technically Two-Tone Salad doesn't have Christmas (or any other holiday) in its title, but the two tones are red (from the tomato aspic) and light green (from the cucumbers), so I think this fits the theme.

If vinegary tomato gel topped with vinegary cucumber-pineapple gel doesn't horrify your family, then they must be psychopaths, which gives you a good excuse to clear out of the family gathering if they don't. It's a win-win! Or a lose-lose? In any case, it's a gelatinous excuse to part ways for another year, and that's all some of us could ever hope for.


  1. Too bad you didn't have that two toned salad recipe when we were kids. If you could have snuck the preparation past our parents, maybe you could have gotten us banned from some family reunions.

    1. Are you kidding? Those psychopaths probably would have eaten it up and asked for the recipe.

    2. Yeah, unfortunately that's true. I saw those potlucks too. I think that it's further proof that the people who brought those dishes really hated their family, and the people who ate the stuff pretended to like it out of spite. Some people feel compelled to defend the idea of family regardless of how horrible they really are.
