Saturday, August 27, 2022

Funny Name: La La La! I Can't Hear You! Edition

You know how moms are always supposed to be telling their kids to eat, so the youngsters will grow up to be big and strong? Maybe they mom claims the carrots will give kids X-ray vision, or promises that milk will give them strong and shiny teeth? Fine. I get the importance of good nutrition. Still, I don't want to hear the pep talk Pat LaFrance gave her sons when she served this recipe from Salads Cookbook (Favorite Recipes Press, 1969). 

Granted, I was never a teenage boy, but I'm pretty sure they don't want mom telling them what will happen with their pickles.


  1. I know that sugar makes everything taste better, but there's a limit on how much it will help. Seriously, pickles, olives and lemon jello. Those teenage boys better have a friend who invites them to dinner every night.

    1. A lot of the old recipes seem to labor under the delusion that lemon Jell-O is somehow not as sweet.
