Saturday, January 9, 2021

Let's Clear Out the Last of Those Holiday Leftovers

Not sure what to do with the leftover fruitcake that's still haunting your pantry? Wick and Lick (Ruth Chier Rosen, 1954) suggests the book's go-to idea for making anything that might seem a little boring into the meal's climax.
Set that puppy on fire! I'm not sure whether the fire will make people any more or less likely to eat fruitcake, but at least it can be exciting for a few minutes. (Plus, who knows? Maybe it will accidentally set your fake flower centerpiece on fire, and you regale friends and family with the story of the smoldering sunflowers for years to come.)

Here's wishing you some interesting leftovers!


  1. The writer of this recipe secretly hates fruitcake and always wanted an excuse to incinerate one. I never understood why flaming dishes were served indoors. Smoke + fire indoors = bad, even if you are destroying a fruitcake in an entertaining way.

    1. People like the theatrics! The possibility of a mishap may be an added bonus.
