Saturday, October 22, 2022

Peachy Jack!

I don't run into Halloween recipes nearly enough, so I was excited to see Jack-o-Lantern Salad in Recipes on Parade: Salads Including Appetizers (Military Officers' Wives Clubs, 1966). Even better this isn't like the previously posted Jack-o-Lantern salad of carved-up oranges stuffed with their own guts.

Are apples, celery, and nuts moistened with salad dressing anything that I would have been willing to taste as a kid? Hell, no! (And I have not budged on that point.) I might have made my way through the peach half jack-o-lantern before I realized it hid that slop underneath, though.

And what do you think of mixing pimento and whole cloves for the face? It seems like the mixed media would look pretty odd and I'd rather go with all cloves, giving it a more dried-out and dead appearance. But maybe the bright red pimento lips would suggest it's a vampire jack-o-lantern that just finished feeding and you better eat it before it tries to eat you? Okay, maybe I'm sold on the lips after all...


  1. This has the usual problem that art project meals have. They only think about what would look the way they want rather than what flavors would actually go together. Apples and salad dressing? Also why do people keep insisting on eating celery when NOBODY LIKES IT!! Just a thought...

    1. I always thought of celery as a vehicle for peanut butter since we weren't supposed to just eat it directly out of the jar. Otherwise... not much use for it. (And honestly, now that I'm a grownup and nobody monitors how I eat my peanut butter... well... Not much call for celery.)

    2. Now I'm thinking of the fortune one could make if they sold chocolate molded into the shape of celery.
